What happens to shared memories when the person you shared them with is no longer around?

This non-linear book called Collective Memory is about the shared pool of knowledge and information in the memories of two or more members of a social group, passed from one generation to the next. It parallels the memory of a person who is better at recalling images than words. The book is bound with a removable elastic band. This way the reader can play a part and make his or hers own story, by re-arranging the page's. Each book is signed, folded and bound by hand creating a unique book every time.

year 2017
size 190 x 260 mm
pages 72
limited printrun 250
technique HP Indigo print
binding removable elastic band

︎“I used to remember the book but to have it now in my hands, to be able to look deeply into it, to manipulate its paper and caress the wonderful work you made is just magic. i can feel the care you had in handcafting every single page and it’s moving. thank you for this beautiful piece of art”

Gloria Karayel


︎ (review)